Britain is taking climate change seriously. I wish the United States would do the same. But here we are still in the state of denial about global warming, Iraq war an many other earth-shaking events. Hopefully the congressional elections next week will bring some welcome change in the leadership of this country.
U.K. fears disaster in climate change - Europe - International Herald Tribune
If there is anything you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now. --- Goethe
Monday, October 30, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Aanestajien pelottelu alkaa olla pahimmillaan, silla on enaa 12 paivaa kongressin vaaleihin. Meita pelotellaan Osama bin Ladenin kuvilla, veronkorotuksilla, massamurhilla (terrorismi) ja mustilla miehilla. Taalla puhutaan myos "lokakuun yllatyksesta": jotakin yllattavaa (kammottavaa) tapahtuu, ja aanestajat palaavat kiltisti Bushin syliin. Toivottavasti tama on turha pelko. Nyt on odotettava kusi sukassa viela 12 paivaa...
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Suomen Nokia valloittaa Amerikan (ja maailman) markkinoita. Kuinka kay musiikkipuhelinten? Kiinnostava artikkeli Nokian N91 puhelimesta.
How Nokia can knock the iPod from its perch. - By Alexander Dryer - Slate Magazine
How Nokia can knock the iPod from its perch. - By Alexander Dryer - Slate Magazine
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Gerhard Schroeder
Saksan entinen liittokansleri kertoo uudessa kirjassaan, kuinka Bushin uskonnollisuus tuntui niin epaillyttavalta ja vastenmieliselta, kun he tapasivat 2002 Saksassa. Uskonto ja politiikka eivat sovi yhteen lantisessa demokratiassa. Senhan pitaisi olla itsestaan selvaa?
Schroeder airs his Bush reservations - Los Angeles Times
Schroeder airs his Bush reservations - Los Angeles Times
Friday, October 20, 2006
Keith Olbermann
The mainstream media have been too timid or misled to speak out against the Bush administration's overreaching policies. Keith Olbermann is an exception. He is a voice crying in the wilderness: wake up people! In this video he talks about the signing of the Military Comissions Act by Bush. Go Keith!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
Howard Zinn
Howard Zinn:
"I came to the conclusion that, given the technology of modern warfare, war is inevitably a war against children, against civilians. When you look at the ratio of civilian to military dead, it changes from 50-50 in World War II to 80-20 in Vietnam, maybe as high as 90-10 today… When you face that fact, war is now always a war against civilians, and so against children. No political goal can justify it, and so the great challenge before the human race in our time is to solve the problems of tyranny and aggression, and do it without war."
"I came to the conclusion that, given the technology of modern warfare, war is inevitably a war against children, against civilians. When you look at the ratio of civilian to military dead, it changes from 50-50 in World War II to 80-20 in Vietnam, maybe as high as 90-10 today… When you face that fact, war is now always a war against civilians, and so against children. No political goal can justify it, and so the great challenge before the human race in our time is to solve the problems of tyranny and aggression, and do it without war."
Bush on luvannut Irakin paaministerille, etta USA:n joukot eivat vetaydy Irakista pitkaan aikaan. Samaan aikaan taalla kuuluu yha useammalta taholta, etta olisi uuden strategian aika Irakissa. Jopa republikaaniset senaattorit ovat alkaneet toitottaa samaa asiaa. Vakivalta ja amerikkalaissotilaiden - ja Irakin siviilien - kuolemat hermostuttavat paatoksentekijoita. Syysta. Jenkit ovat vain kaivaneet itsensa sellaiseen loukkoon, etta sielta on vaikeaa paasta pois millaan keinoin. Jos Irakista lahdetaan paa kolmantena jalkana tulee Iranista lahi-idan uusin mahti; eika se ole amerikkalaisille kovin ystavallinen valtio. Jos sinne jaadaan viela pitkaksi aikaa, sisallissota vain yltyy ja jenkit ovat kahden tulen valissa. Ja demokraatit alkavat saada vaalivoittoja epasuositun sodan takia...
Ja sitten on viela se oljy. Se on saatava amerikkalaisten oljyfirmojen haltuun.
Ja sitten on viela se oljy. Se on saatava amerikkalaisten oljyfirmojen haltuun.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Lunta tulvillaan
Itarannikon ensimmainen lumipyry on tullut! Buffalossa on satanut tana aamuna yli puoli metria lunta. Monet koulut ovat olleet kiinni, sahkot poikki ja liikenne tukossa. Buffalossa ja muualla suurten jarvien alueella pyryttaa joka vuosi mahtavat kinokset lunta, mutta tama on normaalia aikaisempaa.
Meilla Seattlessa on ollut intiaanikesa. Paivalampotila hipoo kahtakymmenta ja on aurinkoista. Koska sateet tulevat?
Season's First Snow Hits Midwest, Northeast - AOL News
Meilla Seattlessa on ollut intiaanikesa. Paivalampotila hipoo kahtakymmenta ja on aurinkoista. Koska sateet tulevat?
Season's First Snow Hits Midwest, Northeast - AOL News
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Monday, October 09, 2006
Anna Politkovskaya
Venajan rohkea journalisti on vaimennettu. Anna Politkovskayan murha on huono merkki Venajan sananvapauden tilasta. Nostan hattua hanen rohkeudelleen heikompien puolestapuhujana.
Truthdig - Ear to the Ground - Courage in Journalism
Truthdig - Ear to the Ground - Courage in Journalism
Alec Baldwin
Hollywoodista kuuluu: Alec Baldwin puhuu rohkeasti republikaanien royhkeydesta ja aikaansaamattomuudesta. Lue blogista:
The Blog Alec Baldwin: The Embarrassed Republicans The Huffington Post
The Blog Alec Baldwin: The Embarrassed Republicans The Huffington Post
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Secrecy and Shame
The Foley scandal is NOT about Mark Foley being gay. It's about him being a pedophile; a man in power using his unique position to gain access to young, impressionable youths, and exploiting them for his sexual fantasies. It's about committing a crime and about his colleagues covering up for him in their lust for power.
Most pedophiles are heterosexual men, who have a warped desire for power and control over those who are vulnerable. Secrecy and shame support such behavior. It is so ironic that Foley was in charge of protecting missing and exploited children. He must be full of self-loathing and shame.
Ellen Goodman writes well about the scandal.
Truthdig - Reports - Ellen Goodman: A Lousy Way to Win Back Congress
Most pedophiles are heterosexual men, who have a warped desire for power and control over those who are vulnerable. Secrecy and shame support such behavior. It is so ironic that Foley was in charge of protecting missing and exploited children. He must be full of self-loathing and shame.
Ellen Goodman writes well about the scandal.
Truthdig - Reports - Ellen Goodman: A Lousy Way to Win Back Congress
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Are You Safer?
In our local newspaper someone posted a full page ad about the many horrendeous Bush policies we've seen in the past 5+ years. He asks if we're safer now than in 2000? This is key, because the administration has scared us at so many levels in order to gain legitimacy and power for its un-democratic, illegitimate and un-American deeds.
NWsource: Seattle shopping, stores, newspaper ads, sales and deals Seattle Announcements - Announcements & Corrections - Steven Greenebaum
NWsource: Seattle shopping, stores, newspaper ads, sales and deals Seattle Announcements - Announcements & Corrections - Steven Greenebaum
Onnea aidille
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Jane Smiley
Mielenkiintoinen blogi tunnetulta kirjailijalta!
The Blog Jane Smiley: Bizarro President The Huffington Post
The Blog Jane Smiley: Bizarro President The Huffington Post
Monday, October 02, 2006
Lisaa skandaaleja
Vanhurskaat republikaanit ovat saaneet aikaan uuden, herkullisen skandaalin: kongressin edustaja Mark Foley on jaanyt kiinni verekseltaan vikittelemasta alaikaisia edustajainhuoneen juoksupoikia. Foley johti kongressin "kadonneiden ja hyvaksikaytettyjen lasten" komissiota, jossa kehitetaan lakeja lasten suojelemiseksi. Samaan aikaan han lahetteli seksuaaalisesti suggestiivisia emaileja ja tekstiviesteja teini-ikaisille pojille.
Skandaalista on tulossa todella haiseva kasa, silla kongressin (republikaaniset) johtohenkilot ovat tienneet Foleyn tempuista jo vuoden, mutta eivat ole tehneet asialle oikeastaan mitaan, vaan painaneet villaisella ja hyssytelleet. Paat ovat jo alkaneet putoilla - juuri ennen marraskuun vaaleja.
Voi teita moralisteja jotka olette aina osoittamassa lihavilla sormillanne toisia syntisia! Ne kivet, jotka olette heittaneet, kaantyvat teita itseanne vastaan!
The Seattle Times: Nation & World: Foley in rehab as House Republicans try to contain damage
Skandaalista on tulossa todella haiseva kasa, silla kongressin (republikaaniset) johtohenkilot ovat tienneet Foleyn tempuista jo vuoden, mutta eivat ole tehneet asialle oikeastaan mitaan, vaan painaneet villaisella ja hyssytelleet. Paat ovat jo alkaneet putoilla - juuri ennen marraskuun vaaleja.
Voi teita moralisteja jotka olette aina osoittamassa lihavilla sormillanne toisia syntisia! Ne kivet, jotka olette heittaneet, kaantyvat teita itseanne vastaan!
The Seattle Times: Nation & World: Foley in rehab as House Republicans try to contain damage
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