Thursday, September 27, 2007

Bill O'Reilly Is an Idiot

Bill O'Reilly is an idiot; but that's nothing new, of course. He just exposed his ignorance and prejudice once more for the world to see. But to be so unaware of your own prejudices, AND have as much power and influence as Bill O'Reilly, is dangerous.
--- T

Bill O'Reilly - on The Huffington Post

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

No Homos in Iran

"In Iran, we don't have homosexuals like in your country," said Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran. He was visiting Columbia University and spoke in front of an audience of students, scholars and the media. After that statement though, he was not taken seriously. People will think that he lies about other inconvenient truths as well...
But perhaps he's is right: they have already eliminated all the homos in Iran?
--- T

Joe Cutbirth: Ahmadinejad's Columbia Moment - Politics on The Huffington Post

Thursday, September 20, 2007


A friend of mine was fired from her job a couple of years ago. She said she was finally over the pain she suffered because of it. She understood that it was "all about the money" and "nothing personal"; she had forgiven her tormentors. She had given her best to the employer for many years and was very committed to her job, but that didn't seem to matter because the bottom line needed to look different at the time. Now she is happily employed by a competitor, but she has learned not to be so committed, so attached to her work. Anyone can lose their job at any given day.

My friend has a healthy attitude about work, I suppose. One has to adjust to the modern realities in the workplace, right? Otherwise one gets hurt every time - because it's all about the money. I just wonder when this shift happened - when did we decide that money justifies all means? If one is making money one can do anything; making money is the highest, noblest goal in life, and if we're doing it we're the good guys.
--- T

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Two Sides to Every Story

'Like Pontius Pilate washing his hands of responsibility, too many in the Washington press corps want to pretend they are leaving the question of "what is truth" to their readers -- refusing to admit that there is even such a thing as truth. It is particularly troubling that so many in a profession dedicated to the idea that there is a truth to be ferreted out -- and that the public has a right to know it -- remain so resolutely committed to presenting two sides to every story -- even when the facts are solidly on one side.'

Arianna Huffington on The Huffington Post

Friday, September 07, 2007

Tytto koulutiella

Koulut ovat taas alkaneet. Opettajat olivat menna lakkoon, mutta viime hetken neuvottelut tuottivat sopuisan tuloksen.

Tytto on nyt viidennella luokalla, ja on huomattavasti itsenaisempi kuin viime vuonna. Enaa ei tarvitse hoputtaa koko aamun, etta tee sita ja tata etta ehdimme ajoissa. Han ymmartaa jo itsekin ajan kulun ja merkityksen. Itse olen sisaistanyt erittain luterilais-protestanttisen kasityksen ajan-kaytosta (valitettavasti), ja ahdistun huomattavasti jos tunnen olevani myohassa - vaikka vain omasta aikataulustani!

Tytto valittiin myos jalkapallojoukkueen kapteeniksi (valmentajan valinta) yhdessa toisen tyton kanssa. Valinta perustuu hyvaan valmennettavuuteen, jalkapallotaitoihin, vastuullisuuteen ja positiiviseen asenteeseen. Olemme ylpeita.
--- T

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Hillary And Bill

Remember the 90's? It was not so bad...

I have met Hillary once in Seattle at a book signing, and I was very impressed by her engaging persona, warmth and charisma. She rocks!
--- T

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Larry Craig Is Alone

Senator Craig has resigned. He had no friends left as the GOP wanted to dump him as quickly as possible for fear of big election losses next year. I can't help but feel sorry for the man who got caught by the system he helped create.

Craig was arrested for what? For some vague signals to a stranger in the men's bathroom? Women get propositioned all the time by men who want to have sex with them - and the signals are much more direct - and [sometimes] offensive. But the men don't get arrested for it. There's a fine line between flirtation and offensive behavior, but we certainly tolerate more of both among heteros.

The trouble with men [straight or gay] is that they just can't keep the beast under control. [Ok, maybe they can, but it seems so difficult.]
--- T

Aaron Belkin: He Did Nothing Wrong - Politics on The Huffington Post