Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Tax Returns for Sale

According to today’s Seattle Times the IRS is trying to loosen the rules that protect our tax privacy from marketers. If this rule passes, tax preparers could then SELL our tax information to the highest bidder! For God’s sakes, give me a break!

What more can the brightest minds of America come up with to access our pocketbooks? [If you didn't know, the brightest minds work in marketing.] They are going after our income tax returns - those of us who actually get some money back from Uncle Sam, because we have a mortgage payment or a small child or some other middle-class expense [middle-class in the sense that we make enough money to actually have a deduction]. They already know how we spend our money: what food we buy, what we read and watch, and the clothes we buy. But they also want to know if we have anything left after the year is done, so they can send us ads about car sales or vacations or cosmetic surgery.

I am outraged by the tactics of marketers, who are like a swarm of locusts who eat everything in their path and leave nothing. They exploit our desires, our fears and our vanities.
But I am also outraged by the government's lack of interest in protecting our interests as taxpayers.

See full article:

Veronpalautus myyntiin:

Viimeisin vitsaus tassa maassa: myydaan veronpalautustiedot markkinointi-firmoille ym. tietopankeille! 'Loistava' idea tienata lisaa rahaa. Ja kukapa ei haluaisi tietoja sellaisista veronpalautuksista, jotka saavat ihmiset ostoksille?
Tallaista ollaan mielta ainakin valtion verovirastossa [IRS]. Jos tama muutos menee lapi, saavat veroilmoituksen tayttajat [ammatti-ihmiset, jotka tayttavat ihmisten ilmoitukset – taalla aika tavallista] myyda yksityisihmisten tiedot. Heidan taytyy saada siita tietenkin kansalaisten suostumus, mutta kuinka moni todella ymmartaa, etta allekirjoittaessaan veroilmoituksen he suostuvat tietojen myymiseen? he ovat vain helpottuneita, etta 'paska' homma tuli tehtya.

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