Tanaan varoitettiin paikallisessa lehdessa, etta lintuinfluenssa saattaa tulla tanne Amerikan mantereelle jo taman kevaan aikana, kun muuttolinnut saapuvat Aasiasta Alaskaan Beringin salmen kautta. Siihen varaudutaan nyt, silla jos linnut tuovat sen Alaskaan, seuraavaksi linnut lentavat sielta etelaan, tanne meille. Vesilinnut ovat kaikkein riskialttiimpia: ankat, lokit, kahlaajat ja hanhet. Saa nahda, onko lintujen ruokkiminen kohta kiellettya taallakin...
The risk of bird flu is becoming real for the US continent. As wild birds migrate from Asia to Alaska across the Bering Strait, they may bring the deadly virus to America. Once it is established in Alaska, it will only be a matter of time until infected birds will bring the virus south to the rest of the continent. I may have to stop feeding wild birds in my yard. That will be a sad day.
The risk of bird flu is becoming real for the US continent. As wild birds migrate from Asia to Alaska across the Bering Strait, they may bring the deadly virus to America. Once it is established in Alaska, it will only be a matter of time until infected birds will bring the virus south to the rest of the continent. I may have to stop feeding wild birds in my yard. That will be a sad day.
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