Juudaksen evankeliumi on loytynyt. Siina kerrotaan, etta Juudas ei ollutkaan petturi, vaan Jeesuksen lahin ystava. Han teki niin kuin Mestari maarasi, eli antoi Jeesuksen ilmi jotta Jumalan suunnitelma tayttyisi. On hassua ajatella, etta toisinkin olisi voinut kayda kuin on opetettu. Jospa Da Vinci koodillakin on jotain "syvempaa" sanottavaa... Miksi juuri Matteus, Markus, Luukas ja Johannes ovat "oikeassa"? Kuka heidat valitsi? Tietysti ne, joilla oli valta valita mika kuuluu kaanoniin ja mika ei. Mutta oliko heilla siihen oikeus?
Niin kai on ollut kautta aikojen, etta voittajat kirjoittavat historian. Havinneet katoavat historiankirjoista; tai jos eivat katoa, niin ovat ainakin roistoja ja pahantekijoita.Judas
The gospel of Judas has been discovered. It depicts Judas as not a traitor but a close friend of Jesus. He did as the Master told him to: gave Jesus up to fulfill God's greater Plan. It is strange to think that the events that took place 2000 years ago could have happened differently than we have been taught. Perhaps Da Vinci Code has deeper meaning than we might want to give it credit for... Why are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John "right"? Who chose them to be the bringers of Good News? Of course, those who had the power, chose the books of the New Testament. But did they have the right?
Throughout times the winners have written history. The losers disappear from history books; or they become the villains and the evildoers.
Throughout times the winners have written history. The losers disappear from history books; or they become the villains and the evildoers.
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