Saturday, September 01, 2007

Larry Craig Is Alone

Senator Craig has resigned. He had no friends left as the GOP wanted to dump him as quickly as possible for fear of big election losses next year. I can't help but feel sorry for the man who got caught by the system he helped create.

Craig was arrested for what? For some vague signals to a stranger in the men's bathroom? Women get propositioned all the time by men who want to have sex with them - and the signals are much more direct - and [sometimes] offensive. But the men don't get arrested for it. There's a fine line between flirtation and offensive behavior, but we certainly tolerate more of both among heteros.

The trouble with men [straight or gay] is that they just can't keep the beast under control. [Ok, maybe they can, but it seems so difficult.]
--- T

Aaron Belkin: He Did Nothing Wrong - Politics on The Huffington Post

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