Monday, February 11, 2008

Hate is Not a Democratic Value

Disturbing trends are forming in the democratic presidential contest. I've had an unpleasant gut-feeling about the nomination-process for a while as I've watched TV (msnbc mostly) and listened to Air America radio (Rachel Maddow is the only one who seems reasonable) talk about the candidates Obama and Clinton. These are supposedly more liberal venues. Well, they are when it comes to Obama: he's such a superstar who cannot do anything wrong, but anything Hillary does is evil or bad or otherwise reproachable. I am so sick of the Clinton-bashing that I cannot watch my favorite show any more (Countdown with Keith Olberman) or listen to the radio. (When you listen to Rush Limbaugh you know he's going to say something stupid about the Clintons, but that's expected - you don't expect such bias on TV or liberal radio.)

Well, I am not the only one who's noticed how the media is framing Hillary Clinton, two prominent New York Times columnists wrote about it just today: Paul Krugman and Stanley Fish. Read their columns at links below. It is mind-boggling how many democrats are choosing to "eat their own". They have been listening to right-wing hate speech way too long and assimilated.
--- T

Paul Krugman

Stanley Fish

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