Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Narcissism, according to Dr. Drew Pinsky, is what caused us to plunge into the current economic crisis. I agree.
--- T

What impact do narcissistic traits and characteristics have in the face of the ongoing economic crisis? First of all grandiosity and denial are common features of the condition which I think can easily be seen as the two horsemen of the apocalypse that lead us down the path to our current situation. How could we have thought that mortgages would magically be paid when there was no evidence of the basic requirements for this to be so? How could a bank offer such a loan and moreover how could a consumer have the hubris to take on the loan? There were powerful financial motivators to be sure. However to participate in that market required quite a bit of denial and a grandiose sense of invincibility. When one examines the Psychology that allows this to occur you can't help but see the shadowy consequences of narcissism on our society. [Dr. Pinsky]

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