Thursday, March 06, 2008

Open Letter to Keith Olberman


I have been a faithful viewer of Countdown for about a year and a half. I have loved your no-nonsense approach to politics. You spoke up to George W. Bush when nobody else dared; you were courageous and funny, and your suits and your haircut are nice.

But since the democratic presidential campaigns heated up this winter your antipathy toward Hillary Clinton has become just too much to bear. You love Barack Obama, that's clear, but for God's sake give Hillary a break. She is not as evil and conniving as you would like to think. Why do you frame every conversation about her so negatively?

I have not been able to watch Countdown for the last two, three weeks because of your overly obvious bias against Hillary Clinton. Yes, I support her but I also think Obama is a decent candidate. I just think that Hillary is better qualified at this time.

When people run for office they try their best to paint the opponent in less favorable light. It has been done for years - Hillary is not the first one to do it. Obama has done his best to paint Hillary in dark colors ("You are likable enough") - why is it bad only when Hillary does it?

Tonight I tried to watch Countdown again (I miss the show) but my stomach was in knots listening to you frame Hillary in such harsh, pessimistic terms. According to you she has hit the new low by "preferring McCain over Obama" with his lifetime of experience. Have you ever thought that maybe what she means is lifetime of experience. Both McCain and Clinton are quite a bit older than Obama and have experienced many more things in this world than Obama - that alone teaches one humility and understanding that only comes with age. It does not mean that Hillary agrees with McCain's politics or thinks that his politics are better that Obama's. (And no, it doesn't mean that every "old" person is wise, but it gives an opportunity to be wise.) And for a position such as president of the United States we do want life experience.

Keith, give Hillary a break! I know you can and I know you think you should!

Thanks, T

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